Tag: Jinek
Rob Goossens gives Eva Jinek ‘benefit of doubt’ after denial
Rob Goossens gives Eva Jinek the ‘benefit of the doubt’ after her flat denial that she has arranged a salary structure at the NPO. “Then we have to believe it.”…
Make or break with Eva Jinek: ‘Last chance for 7 p.m. talk show’
The intention is for Eva Jinek to start her early talk show on NPO 1 after the summer, but now reality series appear to be hitting the roof at that…
Eva Jinek isn’t going to the evening after all? ‘Straight to late evening’
The intention is for Eva Jinek to succeed Khalid & Sophie after the summer on the eve of NPO 1, but will that still happen? “Maybe she can move on…
Eva Jinek writes down personal life lessons in new book | Show
Eva Jinek comes with a new book. In the second part of Dream Big the presenter, together with role models such as Carice van Houten and Fabienne Chapot, explores the…
AvroTros denies Jinek construction, Angela has various sources
Eric van Stade, the outgoing director of AvroTros, denies after a period of persistent rumors that a salary structure has been devised for Eva Jinek. “But I have sources!” ©…
Even Jaïr Ferwerda was not informed by uncollegial Eva Jinek: ‘No’
What a strange one, that Eva Jinek. She simply announces her return to the NPO, and no one at RTL hears from her. “No, me neither,” says Jaïr Ferwerda now.…
Get Eva Jinek out of Abcoude urgently? ‘Khalid & Sophie gone now!’
Eva Jinek should be removed early from her baby bubble in Abcoude to replace Khalid & Sophie, media expert Victor Vlam advises. “Better than muddling through.” © Linda Stulic, Annemieke…
Hélène Hendriks stuns with highest score ever: ‘Bye bye, Jinek!’
Hélène Hendriks is doing exceptionally well as the winter replacement of Today Inside. She even achieved her highest score ever last night. “Cheers for Eva Jinek!” © SBS, RTL It’s…
‘Matthijs transfer is a sneer at Eva Jinek’
Bridget Maasland thinks that Peter van der Vorst also wants to undermine Eva Jinek by bringing in Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. “That is of course also a bit of a quibble.”…
‘Khalid & Sophie and Eva Jinek? Too left!’
Mona Keijzer issues a serious warning to the NPO. She thinks the plans to program Khalid & Sophie and Eva Jinek every day are far too far-fetched. “Stop the condescension!”…