Eva Jinek with a devious salary plan? ‘There is a secret deal with NPO’

Eva Jinek has surprised friend and foe with her return from RTL to the NPO. From 1.2 million euros per year to a ‘paltry’ two hundred thousand? “No, there is definitely a secret deal.”


Few people think that Eva Jinek will settle for a salary drop of around one million euros, but it is a fact that the NPO has a fairly hard salary ceiling. However, it is no secret that presenters can always arrange something in the background to boost their ‘meager’ remuneration.

Secret salary deal

Ever since she announced her return to public broadcasting, there has been a hint of suspicion surrounding Eva. How does she ensure that her salary remains stable? According to critics, it is impossible that she will settle for two thousand euros. And private boss Evert Santegoeds is also quite sure that she has arranged something.

Evert says in the podcast Strictly Private ‘certain’ to know that Eva has devised a devious salary plan. “You never know what deals are behind it with the producer.”

Good reward

You can do all sorts of things to please Eva, Evert knows. “If she receives a fee for the use of her name in the program title or the editorial input she provides, then the Balkenende standard can easily be circumvented and that will certainly happen.”

And rightly so, says Evert. “Because great talents – and that is her, if you win a Sonja Barend Award twice – must be well rewarded. Because hey, it’s finite, right? You also saw that in Matthijs.”

Beautiful evening

According to the AD, Eva will make the talk show at seven o’clock in the evening on NPO 1 and all year round, so instead of Khalid & Sophie. However, Evert thinks that the two programs will alternate. “Eva will probably end up in their spot, but that doesn’t mean everything, because she won’t last a whole year either.”

He continues: “If you alternate Eva with Khalid & Sophie, I think you will have a wonderful evening and then ultimately the hour left by Matthijs van Nieuwkerk will fall into place completely and beautifully.”

Every now and then

At the moment, Eva does not want to say what she will make for AvroTros, because she is officially still employed by RTL. “They already know that she is away and she is on maternity leave, so she could do it differently,” says Evert.

He concludes: “Of course she already knows what she is going to do, because that was agreed before she went there. I think it will end up like this: three or four months of Eva and then alternate.”
