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Kunstenaar Jeff Koons stuurt beeld mee first commercial maanlander: “Vereerd om deel uit te maken van historical missie”
Jeff Koons (69) puts his art in a tent on the ground. The famous American art has a beautiful work of art with the first commercial land of Odysseus, the…
ChatGPT slaat urenlang wartaal uit | Tech
OpenAI, the main driver of ChatGPT, is based on the local information in San Francisco, in the West Coast of America, which is “onderzoek voerde na opmerkingen over onverwachte answers…
Israël voert diep in zuiden van Lebanon luchtaanvallen uit: “14 gewonden gevallen” | Conflict Israel-Palestine
UpdateThe Israëlische leger is published in the district of the Zuid-Lebanese city of Sidon, which is “meerdere” luchtaanvallen uitgevoerd. KIJK. This will be circulated in the light on social media…
INTERVIEW. Dit zijn de ouders van Dries en Kaat uit ‘Kamp Waes’: “Soldiers kweken voor Fly? We will do our best”
‘Kamp Waes’ is just away from ‘Kamp Borstlap’. Dries Borstlap (24) is on the watch and punished by the special forces. Kaat Borstlap (20) is the youngest of the hoops…
Factuur Antwerpse havenuitbreiding valt fors higher uit | Inland
The equipment of the Antwerp port was built in the Flemish region, costing 5 million euros, the other costs were 3.1 million and it never lasted for a long time,…
Suspicion of moord in VS, ontsnapt uit cel in Nairobi, maar na week toch opnieuw opgepakt | Buitenland
Bijna a week ago, a police bureau was released in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, the Kenyan police station was registered and the suspicion of moord was brought into the…
Intestinal cancer patients who drink coffee have a smaller can on herval, blijkt uit onderzoek
Intestinal cancer patients who drink three and a half cups of coffee per day drink, make it easier for them to drink and drink. This is a part of the…
Russia and the Netherlands know the opnieuw honderd krijgsgevangenen uit | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
“Op 8 February zijn, na onderhandelingen, honderd Russian military who were in levensgevaar in gevangenschap teruggekeerd uit het grondgebied dat controlled wordt door the regime in Kiev,” writes the Russian…
Tucker Carlson zendt interview with Russian president Poetin vandaag uit
Het interviewed the American presenter and opinion maker Tucker Carlson with the Russian president Vladimir Poetin on Thursday. Carlson has stated that. In a post on his Instagram account, Carlson…
Weduwe Chovanec and Slovaakse minister halen uit naar ons land: “In Wallonië heeft a mensenleven geen waarde” | Inland
“We have a series of mogelijkheid overwegen om an international battle in the service,” the Slovaakse Minister of Justice responded to on development in the Zaak-Chovanec. In January the case…