Factuur Antwerpse havenuitbreiding valt fors higher uit | Inland

The equipment of the Antwerp port was built in the Flemish region, costing 5 million euros, the other costs were 3.1 million and it never lasted for a long time, but it cost 1.8 million euros. This is written ‘De Tijd’ vandaag.

The operational plan with the name ECA (Extra Container Capacity in Antwerp) has the capacity of the harbor to accommodate 15 million to 22 million containers per year. It is based on three large infrastructure projects, which has a new impact – the Saeftinghedok – the spearhead is. The hoop is the work can begin in 2029.

The financing needs to be addressed to negative advice from the Financial Inspection. The financial waakhond stelt the huidige raming te krap is. The cost inflation is not yet open in the raming, the fee with the price of January 2022. Ok wordt he onvoldoende rekening gehouden with bepaalde onzekerheden, zoals contractingen door the stikstofproblematiek of maatregelen rond de PFAS-vervuiling.

The Inspectie van Financiën laakt naast de slordige raming also that the aandeel of the havenbedrijf smaller is dan betlijk voorgeschreven. Van de oorspronkelijk geraamde 3.1 miljard euros to Vlaanderen 1.9 miljard, ongeveer twee derde, ophoesten.

The uitbreiding of the Antwerp haven is outside the area. Other infrastructural projects are being carried out in the near future and the costs will be reduced. The new sluis in Zeebrugge, the access to the Achterhaven can be sold, has a sea cost of 3 million euros and is also de facto for the Oosterweelverbinding round Antwerpen loopt op.
