Suspicion of moord in VS, ontsnapt uit cel in Nairobi, maar na week toch opnieuw opgepakt | Buitenland

Bijna a week ago, a police bureau was released in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, the Kenyan police station was registered and the suspicion of moord was brought into the United States.

41-year-old Kevin Kangethe lives in his family’s home in a town in the Kajiado district, located 25 kilometers to the south-west of Nairobi.

A week spent ontsnapte hij uit zijn cel in a politiebureau in Nairobi, nadat one man who had voorgesteld as a zijn advocate, with him wilde praten. Kangethe left the building in the area, the zonder tegenwerking, terwijl de meeste personnelleden in vergadering goods. The ontsnapping will be called “gênant” omschreven door de hoofdcommissaris van politie in de hoofdstad, Adamson Bungei.

There was suspicion of the moord and her friend Margaret Mbitu, a thuiszorgmedewerkster from Halifax (Massachusetts), who was doodgestoken in November and was found in a car parked at Boston’s Logan International Airport.

The man, who was at that moment in the United States, was filmed in Kenya, which was written on January 30th. Op 4 maart beslist a right over zijn mogelijke uitlevering aan de Verenigde Staten.

Four political agents, two families and the lawyer of Kevin Kangethe will be geared up to be snapped and still have vast resources.
