Weduwe Chovanec and Slovaakse minister halen uit naar ons land: “In Wallonië heeft a mensenleven geen waarde” | Inland

“We have a series of mogelijkheid overwegen om an international battle in the service,” the Slovaakse Minister of Justice responded to on development in the Zaak-Chovanec. In January the case will be treated in the room, which will be parked in front of all suspected suspects. Zijn weduwe is justigheid: “Mijn man stapte op eigen kracht uit het flying en werd als een zak aardappelen de cel uit gedragen.”

Jeffrey Dujardin, Bjorn Maeckelbergh

Latest update:
07-02-24, 18:03

KIJK. Weduwe Jozef Chovanec needs the word in the room

“Wij respecteren ten full de onafhankelijkheid van de Belgian justelijke authorities,” responded the Minister of Justice Boris Susko in the Slovaakse media. “I don’t really care about the importance of this in the seriousness of the situation over the authority of the overlijden, the authoritarian authorities should take it into their own hands. In this situation there will be serious twijfels after mening nog steeds.” The minister is righteous in the zaak rond Jozef Chovanec, was the 38-year-old man on February 23, 2018 and he lived in politics in Charleroi. Slovakia has its own part in the zaak.

Also Henrieta Chovancová, from the world, is in the country: “In Wallonië there is a lot of money,” says Zegt. “Before this year we were confronted with the aggression and arrogance of the power of the Belgian authorities. The Open Baar Ministry does not want to prosecute anyone for the death of my man and the father of my underage daughters. (…) The power is more real: my man’s stapte on his own power from the flight will be seen as a small aardappel, but also in a way of life, from the cel uit gedragen.”

Op 25 maart zal duidelijk was of suspicion and should be held accountable to the court. This is not the case, since the Thuisland of Chovanec is stappen on the other hand. “We have a series of mogelijkheid overwegen om an international battle in the service of the European court for the rights of men,” Aldus minister Susko.

Weduwe Jozef Chovanec needs the word in the room: “Op all the pictures are like my grandchildren who never help me”

“Onmenselijk!”: right-wing gooit plots agenda om en zo mist weduwe Jozef Chovanec de zitting die ze absolutely wou bijwonen
