Dead in Hoofddorp flat is ‘locally known tattoo artist’

The dead person found yesterday morning in a flat on the Egholm in Hoofddorp turns out to be a 48-year-old man who was not the occupant of the house, the police reported. It concerns Steve Mahakena, the co-owner of tattoo parlors in Nieuw-Vennep and Amsterdam.

Multiple sources around the victim report that it concerns him, but that has not yet been officially confirmed. Many statements of support to the tattoo artist’s family can be read on social media. “Brother! I can say so much but no word can translate my thought. No words for you to be gone. […] My thoughts go out to your family, your dad your kids and friends. I wish everyone a lot of strength in this grief,” someone writes.

The person who does live in the apartment has been heard as a witness, but has not been arrested. Police have conducted a neighborhood investigation and are asking witnesses to come forward. Forensic Investigation has been investigating in and around the house for two days.

Tattoo shop closed

NH News previously spoke to Steve for a report in one of his tattoo shops and today tried to reach both shops, but without results.

NH News previously spoke to Steve in one of his tattoo parlors. Text continues below the video.

The Nieuw-Vennepse tattoo shop was closed this morning. There is a note on the door stating that tattoos are done by appointment only.
