Young researchers are excellent!

“Can you hear me?” Pastor Bernd Schwarze whispers from the podium in the direction of the four school classes who are eagerly awaiting the award ceremony in St. Petri Church. “Yes,” whispers back a children’s choir, which can be heard much louder than the pastor due to the acoustics in the church. Of the more than 300 participating students, four school classes made it to Lübeck for the award ceremony. You all took part in the competition “The world of sounds – or why do we have two ears?” junior campus of the TH Lübeck took part. Even a class from the elementary school in the upper town of Geesthacht made the journey.

Live Experiment with the President

The President of the TH Lübeck, Muriel Helbig, is present and has prepared a small experiment for the researchers. She counts to three and then the children are allowed to shout and scream like crazy. At a show of hands, everyone stops and listens to the echo that reverberate through the nave. Prof. Juergen Tchorz also brought an experiment that produces a loud bang. The children listened carefully and counted how long the bang lingered.

Four proud winning classes

After the live experiments, the time has finally come: the winning classes are announced. The Johannes Prassek School from Lübeck made fourth place. The primary school in the upper town of Geesthacht has catapulted itself into third place. Both classes received a day at the JuniorCampus on the subject of acoustics, research cases, pipettes and medals. The primary school in Sterly and the Matthias Claudius School in Reinfeld took second and first place. You can look forward to a MINI Phenomenta week at school from the business research academy “Don’t panic about mechanics” (FAW), medals, pipettes and research kits. Diedke Diers and Christoph Schwarz from the FAW presented the prizes. The sponsors of the Rose Foundation, Karin Ploen-Rose and Axel Bülow, were also present at the award ceremony.

The echo after the award ceremony

The voices of the participating children from the award ceremony give a coherent picture. A student at the elementary school in the upper town says: “That we got the things, the blue suitcase, the experiments, the medals, and the big towers, which were so high that they went into the fog.” Another student tells that the experiments (in the church) would have made them happy.


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