The Russian Sports Minister believes that Valíeva is “absolutely innocent”

02/12/2022 at 11:45


The Russian Minister of Sports, Oleg Matitsynconsider the Russian figure skater Kamila Valeva “absolutely innocent” of the doping suspicions after speaking with her on the phone, and expressed his hope that there will be a fair decision in the case.

“We are watching (the case), we are active, I called her, I spoke to her twice, there is optimism and energy in her voice, which convinces me twice that she is absolutely innocent, we have a fair trial, “he said. Saturday to the Russian media, according to the Interfax agency.

Matitzin assured that Russia “is doing its utmost to protect the interests of the athlete, of our sport.”

the coach of Valieva, Ether Tutberidzeexpressed herself today on the First Channel of Russian television in the same sense and was upset by the case, stating that “it is not very clear why an athlete with a doubtful test from December 25 was admitted to the Olympic Games” .

“Either this is a fatal coincidence, or this is a very well planned plan,” he said.

“I really hope that our leaders will not abandon us, defend our rights and prove our innocence,” he added.

As reported by the Russian newspaper “Sport-Express”, the substance detected in the skater in December is a medicine used to combat heart problems and does not contribute to improving sports performance.

Due to this positive, according to the press, the organization decided to suspend the medal ceremony of the team figure skating tournament.

Valievaunanimously considered the new Tsarina of the sport, made headlines around the world by performing a quadruple jump on the ice in the Chinese capital for the first time in history.


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