The reason why many are putting eggshells in the pots of their plants

06/03/2023 at 10:14


Do you want stronger and healthier plants?

This is the eggshell trick that will change the way you care for your plants

Do you want to know how you can improve the health of your plants in an economical and ecological way? Well today we bring you a homemade trick that you may not know. Have you heard about the use of eggshells for plants? Yes, you read it right. the shell of the egg It can be a great ally for your potted plants, garden or orchard.

In Spain, chicken eggs are considered one of the most complete foods on the planet, due to the large amount of micro and macronutrients that both the yolk and the white provide us. But what you may not know is that its shell is also a small treasure full of properties that can be used to care for your vegetables.the egg shell It is one of the best sources of organic calcium for your plants, as it fights pests and reduces soil acidity.. In addition, it is a simple, natural and cheap ingredient to provide calcium to your plants, especially in spring, when they need it the most, since it is the time when most of them flower.

Expert Gardeners’ Best-Kept Secret: Eggshells for Plant Care

But, How can you use the eggshell for your plants? First of all, it is important to know its properties and benefits. The eggshell contains a high percentage of calcium carbonate and other minerals such as potassium and magnesium, among others. Therefore, it is an excellent fertilizer and soil pH controller, which makes it ideal for caring for your plants.

For best results it is essential that the eggshell is thoroughly dried before use. After peeling an egg, leave the shell in a cool, dry place, but never in direct sunlight, and wait a couple of days before using it.

Once the shell is dry, break it into very small pieces and surround the stem or trunk of the plant with the crushed eggshell.. You can also remove the soil a bit and leave a piece of shell half buried. The eggshell is biodegradable, which means that it will progressively release the calcium and minerals it contains, enriching the soil that supports the plant.

Besides, You can mix the eggshell for plants with the coffee grounds to make the substrate for your plants even more fertile. To do this, pour both components at the same time on the ground to increase the efficiency of home compost.

But that is not all. You can also use the eggshell ground or crushed into a very fine powder.. In this way, you can use it whenever you want, putting said powder directly on the ground, in the compost bin or in the irrigation water.

The power of eggshells: the natural fertilizer for your plants

Do you want an even more effective trick? Prepare eggshell water for your plants by following these steps:

  • Pour a liter and a half of water into a saucepan and add the shell of three whole eggs.
  • Bring to a boil and let it boil for five minutes.
  • Wait until the water is completely cool, strain out the eggshells, and you have a perfect liquid fertilizer that you can feed your plant with immediately when it needs it.

It is important to note that you must maintain the appropriate proportions so that the calcium that reaches the plant is not excessive, which could harm her. For example, if you need more quantity, you only have to increase the measurements that we have indicated. For example, you can use three liters of water and the shell of six eggs.

In summary, Eggshell for plants is an excellent home and natural remedy that will help you improve the health of your plants in an economical and ecological way. Remember that it is a simple and biodegradable ingredient, and that you can use it to provide calcium to your plants, control the pH of the soil and combat pests.

There is no doubt that eggshells are a great ally for your plants, and best of all, it is a home remedy that you can easily do at home. So, don’t hesitate any longer and start using the eggshell gardening trick to take care of your plants. You will see how they appreciate this little extra of nutrients!
