Etiket: school
Bijna één op zeven leerlingen verlaat middelbare school zonder diploma
In the 2021-2022 school year, 14.1 percent of the blanks were lost in the secondary education sector. This is based on the administration of the Flemish Ministry of Onderwijs and…
Enough supporters for the return of school swimming: ‘But it is at the expense of other lessons’
The number of children without a swimming diploma is increasing and that is why a majority of the House of Representatives wants school swimming to return. But this appears to…
Enough supporters for the return of school swimming: ‘But it is at the expense of other lessons’
The number of children without a swimming diploma is increasing and that is why a majority of the House of Representatives wants school swimming to return. But this appears to…
Return to school, with the emotionality that this implies
As a society we are going through a time of raw emotions. In the school environment, the aspirations and hopes of parents, the hopes of students and the expectations of…
Major concerns about the introduction of school swimming at primary schools: “I’ll throw my diploma in the pool”
The House of Representatives wants to reintroduce school swimming, because the number of children without a swimming diploma is increasing. Primary schools and educational foundations in North Holland are not…
The Government estimates that 744,000 high school, university and vocational training students will be able to benefit from a scholarship
El Consejo de Ministros ha aprobado esta mañana el real decreto de becas para el curso 2024-25 para la educación universitaria y no universitaria. El texto incluye dos convocatorias. Una,…
Canadese student flew elke week 2 uur naar school: “Hetzelfde als met de bus gaan” | Buitenland
Laatstejaarsstudent, Tim Chen, is from 2 uur van zijn house in Calgary to zijn school in Vancouver, Canada. Hij nam deze beslissing omdat de huisvestigingsprijzen buiten de campus te hoog…
Catalonia raises the price of the school cafeteria for the fourth time: 7.25 euros per day per student
La Conselleria d’Educació de la Generalitat ha elevado el precio del comedor escolar en Catalunya, que pasará de los 6,91 euros a los 7,25 euros diarios para el alumnado fijo…
School, no to smartphones, yes to synthetic grades
THEn these days we are talking about two important measures that concern the world of schools, announced by the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara. The first is the restrictions on…
Boys cut their hair in the school toilet: this is what school barbers are like
The school barbers in Suolahti shorten their locks with a device that costs a couple of euros. A group of boys shut themselves in the locker room of the school…