Canadese student flew elke week 2 uur naar school: “Hetzelfde als met de bus gaan” | Buitenland

Laatstejaarsstudent, Tim Chen, is from 2 uur van zijn house in Calgary to zijn school in Vancouver, Canada. Hij nam deze beslissing omdat de huisvestigingsprijzen buiten de campus te hoog be.

“I thought that I had never been in Calgary and was here, it was a flight from the outside world, it was called a bus,” said Chen on ‘CTV News’. Chen reads twice a week on campus and uses the “geweldig” transport method, followed by a Reddit post. He used all Air Canada for his extravagant woon-werkverkeer and mail in the month of January on 7 returns.

Chen never went back to school in this manner. Hij huurde erder a woning in Vancouver, maar stopped hiermee toen hij afgelopen herfst terugkeerde van vakantie. “I have to pay 2500 dollars for the day. Terwijl een non-stop Return from Calgary to Vancouver costs $111.”

Omdat Chen maar twee keer per week at school hoeft te reizen, zal hij ongeveer 890 dollars per month uitgeven terwijl hij nog steeds bij zijn ouders in Calgary woont. An apartment with a bedroom in Vancouver, in the last city of the country where you lived, costs a whopping $1,550 per month.

Stayed in a bus

Chen beweert that his money is saved in the ongebruikelijke woon-werkverkeer. “I’m in total three of us, I’m on the bus and I’m on the plane,” says Chen. Calgary is located 430 miles from the east of Vancouver, with the luxury of flying, the trip was taken within 40 minutes.

Chen is not one of his students at the University of British Columbia and his situation has changed over time at school. Sommigen started zelf in a busje te wonen omdat ze de huur niet meer konden betalen. UBC has 58,590 students and housing is guaranteed for first-year students, with housing that is available for senior students and graduate students, according to ‘US News’ and ‘World Report’.

KIJK OOK. Vlietuigpersoneel waswaarschuwt voor gevaarlijke TikTok trend
