Etiket: overstromingen
IN BEELD. Wallonië tijdens en 1 year na de overstromingen
Exactly every year Wallonië will be hit by although overflowing. At the hand of photos from persagentschap ‘Associated Press’, we can tell you that a year ago it was wrong…
Eupen, it was the first house overstroomde and the first dode lot: “I didn’t say anything about the nerves when he started to regenerate” | 1 year after overstromingen
A waterbom, met hoeveelheden rain the éen keer in the honderd jaar occur. Missing a verkeerd decision about the open van de sluisdeuren on the Stuwmeer van Eupen. Result: 41…
Waalse regering geeft 25 miljoen voor aankoop damaged properties on overstromingen | Nieuws
The request for this has been processed over the last few months that have been met in the German Federal Municipal Council. Het gaat om de gementen Chaudfontaine, Esneux, Luik,…
Chaining of 5,000 people long Vesder uit solidarity with slachtoffers overstromingen | landlocked
Ongeveer 5,000 people lifted a day a chain formed Tussen Verviers en Chênée, in the province of Luik, with solidarity with the slachtoffers of the dodelijke overstromingen from July last…
Overstromingen force zo’n zetigduizend residents of Sydney tot evacuatie | Buitenland
Ongeveer 60,000 residents of the Australian Miljoenenstad Sydney raised te hearen dat ze hun huizen would like to delay because of the hevige Regenval and Overstromingen. The hulpdiensten roepen de…
Waterschaarste, overstromingen and droogte: new IPCC climate report for summer toekomstbeeld | milieu
IPCC reportBecause of the changes in the climate caused by men, the suffering is dead. That state is published in the New Report of the UN climate panel IPCC. In…
‘De Vuilste Jobs’ toont verwoesting na overstromingen in Wallonië: “Meubel van 100 kilo nog altijd spoorloos” | showbizz
tvIn ‘De Vuilste Jobs van Vlaanderen’ helpen vrijwillers om de kelder van Cathy moddervrij te maken. There is nodig omdat haar huis in Trooz ligt, while he was overflowing deze…