Chaining of 5,000 people long Vesder uit solidarity with slachtoffers overstromingen | landlocked

Ongeveer 5,000 people lifted a day a chain formed Tussen Verviers en Chênée, in the province of Luik, with solidarity with the slachtoffers of the dodelijke overstromingen from July last year. The event is organized by the Dutch organization ‘Herent Helpt’.

The mensen chain will be a range of 500 kayaks and 85,000 vessels. A honderdtal stewards helped with the organization of the chaining. Diet Uytterhoeven, organizer of the event, said that it was actually possible to measure more than what was expected, up to 10,000, that everything was going to be lost.

The bedoeling van de actie was om steun te tonen voor de slachtoffers van de overstromingen. “Het was a moment of bezinning. A quiet coming back with a note on the residents that we die dag nooit zullen vergeten and hen nooit in de steek zullen later.”

Tien maanden na de overstromingen the situation is always still not normalized. “He is still steeds veel nood aan hulp. We gaan evenementen om geld op te halen ter financing van het renoveren van woningen. He zijn vandaag nog steeds ploegen van vrijwillers present op het terrein”, Aldus Uytterhoeven.

De actie kreeg de steun van twee Belgian known persons. A Franstalige kant what the great runner Philippe Gilbert. “Open at the moment I was on the round of Frankrijk deelnam, delivered the residents of the met areas and other areas in the world. We will still remember aan the devastating force of nature. I thought we would go to the slaughterhouses of the ramp and I would like to take a look at the ganser. Door initiated as this steunen wil ik he mee voor zorgen dat de Schade snel produced wordt en hoop ik de aandacht van de politici en het grote publiek op deze beurtenissen te blijven vestigen”, Aldus Gilbert.

Aan Nederlandstalige kant went to the photographer Lieve Blancquaert. “The ramp in the valley of Vesder is not overdone. Maar wat nog erger is, is dat we he vandaag nog nauwelijks mee bezig zijn, thanks to all beloftes van our regeringsleiders. The process is carried out in parallel for the people who are hit. I’ve got it with my own genes and how he’s going to do it dramatically because of the devastating water that comes from it”, Aldus Blancquaert.
