Overstromingen force zo’n zetigduizend residents of Sydney tot evacuatie | Buitenland

Ongeveer 60,000 residents of the Australian Miljoenenstad Sydney raised te hearen dat ze hun huizen would like to delay because of the hevige Regenval and Overstromingen. The hulpdiensten roepen de inwoners op “waakzaam” te zijn.

Meteorologists warn of overcurrents as a result of “intense rain in a sea of ​​sunny weather”, especially in Sydney and Hawkesbury and the Blue Mountains. “Er staat ons een Zware 24 uur of zelfs 48 uur te wachten'”, het bij de Australian Meteorological Service clicks. “Even when the rain stops on Wednesday and Thursday, there are still rivers on the water.”

On January 1st it rained 822 millimeters in Sydney by almost 822 millimeters. The army is the closest to the start of the year in the city is the start of Metingen.

Het dodentol na de overstromingen, which een big deel van de oostkust van Australië hit, is vandaag gestegen dead 18. De politie is nog steeds op zoek naar een moeder en haar zoon. Hun car is found in the west of Sydney.

Damaged because of damaged infrastructure in the street

The noodweer has negligible damage on its own and wild dieren toebrought than the bosses of 2019 and 2020, shows a word for the purpose of the service. “Ze bben dezelfde gevolgen voor de people: afgesloten because of damaged infrastructure in stroomuitval”, het latches.

In the northern part of the state of New South Wales, the overflowing houses were deserted, cars were thrown away and there were residents living outside of the schools. Mullumbimby, a town outside of Brisbane, is a grandfather of the rest of the country. He is geen telephone connection in the hulp van building, he never got it.

The opening of the open wijk Camden in the south-west of Sydney. © EPO

Ondergelopen achtertuinen in the wijk East Hills in the south east of Sydney.
Ondergelopen achtertuinen in the wijk East Hills in the south east of Sydney. © EPO

The opening of the open wijk Camden in the south-west of Sydney.
The opening of the open wijk Camden in the south-west of Sydney. © AFP
