Etiket: khomeini
“Betogers Iran set fire to woning van former Ayatollah Khomeini” | Iran
Op sociale media circulated video messages from the other words won by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the details of which were passed by the foundation of the Islamic Republic. The building…
“Betogers Iran set fire to woning van former Ayatollah Khomeini” | Iran
Volgens activistennetwerk 1500Tasvir vond the incident donderdagavond plaats in Khomeini’s geboortedorp Khomein, ten zuiden van de Iraanse hoofdstad Tehran. Op de beelden is te zien hoe tientallen mensen juichen terwijl…
Videos show activists setting fire to birthplace of Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran denies | Abroad
Videos can be seen on social media of dozens of people cheering as the building is set on fire with a large flash. Based on the characteristic arches and surrounding…
Qatar World Cup: Iran-USA, from the Coup d’etat of ’53 to the white roses of Lyon
In Qatar, Iranians and Americans were drawn in the same group as in France ’98. Two historically enemy countries that sport has been able to bring together more than once…