“Betogers Iran set fire to woning van former Ayatollah Khomeini” | Iran

Op sociale media circulated video messages from the other words won by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the details of which were passed by the foundation of the Islamic Republic. The building is on fire. Volgens activists stalk demonstrators het vuur aan.

Volgens activistennetwerk 1500Tasvir vond the incident donderdagavond plaats in Khomeini’s geboortedorp Khomein, ten zuiden van de Iraanse hoofdstad Tehran.

Op de beelden is te zien hoe tientallen mensen juichen terwijl de vlammen om zich heen grijpen. Iranian state media recognizes the true fact that the house is on fire, and evaluates that fact as soon as people see it in the building that has been burned. “The report is a lie,” said the state official in Tasnim about the news about the brand.

Khomeini passed in 1989. Het huis was ondertussen near tot a museum.

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, unfortunately, turns into an Iranian vrouw before the description of the previous Iranian. © REUTERS

Zijn opvolger, ayatollah Ali Khamenei, state al are in September butder immensely druk nadat he in het hele country protestacties uitbraken the oproepen tot het ande van het klerikale bewind. The protests woeden nog steeds hevig.

Other videobeelden that are gedeeld by 1500Tasvir ton hoe betogers scanderen in different cities de woorden “dood aan Khamenei”. In the city of Chabahar, a border with a street will be crossed over to Ayatollah Khomeini, and it will be saved.
