Etiket: invoering
EU-lidstaten akkoord over invoering gehandicaptenkaart, ook parkeerkaart moet beter | Nieuws
The European ministers of social affairs are responsible for the management of a bijeenkomst in Brussels and are informed about the invoicing of a European map for people with a…
Vlaams energieverslindend huis daalt in waarde is invoering renovatieplichtlich
The energy label is important for the price of a house. The invoicing of the renovation work in Vlaanderen began in 2010, with energy-saving buildings in good condition and the…
Witte Huis warschwt Oeganda for economic reasons followed by invoering antihomowet | Buitenland
“We would like to consider that we have not overgaan tot economic consequences, as deze wet inderdaad wordt accepted and in works treedt,” says John Kirby, Landvoerder van de Nationale…
The highest inflation in Europe is invoering van de euro
Het leven in de eurozone has become the meanwhile opnieuw fors duurder. In October in the euro countries, the prizes were 10.7 per cent of the total for each year,…
Thailand plans invoering chemical castratie voor zedendelinquenten | Buitenland
Thailand state een stap poet bij de invoering van chemical castratie in de strijd tegen zedenmisdrijven. Het Thaise parliament in de senaat keurden always in wetsvoorstel goed that sommige assigned…
Does he often fail to pay capacity? Less than a week before invoering nog geen duidelijkheid | money
Normal wordt next week op 1 July het nieuwe capacityitstarief ingevoerd. This is calculated differently from the cost of our electricity. Maar met nog minder dan een week te gaan,…