EU-lidstaten akkoord over invoering gehandicaptenkaart, ook parkeerkaart moet beter | Nieuws

The European ministers of social affairs are responsible for the management of a bijeenkomst in Brussels and are informed about the invoicing of a European map for people with a beperking. This is why we also want the specific parking card to be used.

The ‘European Disability Card’ can serve as a confirmation of a recognized handicap in the European Union. The card can guarantee that the people with a handicap in other states of the world have the right to enjoy it than the local residents with a beperking.

It is also available on the sea over the various levels, prior to the operation, the status of other people’s treatment, the money in the pretparken of cultural events, sports facilities, in the open market, etc.

Volgens Eurocommissaris voor Gelijkheid Helena Dalli has a number of people with a beperking vanwege de schillen in the recognition of their status vaak op obstakels in other lidstaten. The same can be said about the transport in the EU and also by the manufacturer, as soon as the vehicle arrives.

A version of the ‘EU Disability Card’. © RV

The European handicap card is to be passed for the stimulus of the short term (minor in three areas), the districts can be obtained from the neighborhoods and the rules are also suitable for the long term in the three areas. De lidstaten zullen zowel fysieke as digital maps uitgeven. You can also use a QR code to avoid fraud and avoid it.

This means that the ministers are afspoken about the assets, a willing European parkeerkaart for people with a beperking te beteren. The new, original card is available for several years on the basis of the incorporation of the rights of the holder of the parking permits, which are protected by the law, and the parking rights are guaranteed by the EU.

The lidstaten must over the ruling nog onderhandelingen aanknopen with the European Parliament, that begins in 2024 zijn standpoint on vastleggen.

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