Thailand plans invoering chemical castratie voor zedendelinquenten | Buitenland

Thailand state een stap poet bij de invoering van chemical castratie in de strijd tegen zedenmisdrijven. Het Thaise parliament in de senaat keurden always in wetsvoorstel goed that sommige assigned delinquenten het right om voor de procedure te kiezen in Ruil voor strafvermindering.

Het wetsvoorstel was in maart goedgekeurd in het Lagerhuis en zopas gaven also 145 senators great light, met only twee onthoudingen. Now he is nog a derde stemming in het house nodig and follow a royal goedkeuring.

In 2013 and 2020, 16,413 criminal offenses were committed against Thaise, and there were 4,848 criminal offenses that were committed against Thaise.

Recently, we have added to the ceded delinquents who were considered to be at risk of recidivism, in which case the injectables could be used as a criminal offense at a lower testosterone level. The result has been planned for a long time and we now have an enkelband in Dragen.

When the weather comes, for Thailand we go to a small group, the even chemical castrates hebben ingevoerd, other than Poland, South Korea, Russia and Estonia, plus other American states.

“I want to say that this is not going to happen soon”, said Minister of Justice Somsak Thepsuthin on Tuesday. “I will not give any new reports about the things that are happening.”

According to Jaded Chouwilai, director of the Women and Men Progressive Movement Foundation, a non-government organisation, which concerns itself and others with secesueel, helps chemical castration not in the aanpak van secuele criminaliteit. “Veroordeelden would have to be rehabilitated by your mentality and the changed days and remaining in the future”, says hij. “The use of such measures as the execution of an injection project strengthens the idea that it has not been possible for a long time to be rehabilitated.”
