Etiket: Industrial products and services (Sector)
Kristian Heiskari gives up her apartment and moves to a caravan
The home of reality TV winner Kristian Heiskar can now be found on the tires. Soon Kristian Heiskari will live on the road. Pete Anikari Real TV veteran Kristian ‘Krisu’…
The homely builder reveals: That’s how much the renovation will cost
In the Kotoisa series, a detached house located in Riihimäki is being renovated today. Niina (2nd right) and Rickard (1st right) renovate Jarin and Pia’s home in this evening’s episode.…
Such are the Playstation VR2 glasses
Sony’s second-generation VR glasses offer new features. Sony has released on his blog pictures and information about their upcoming Playstation VR2 glasses. The PS VR2 glasses are designed alongside the…