Etiket: dorp
KIJK. Storm Fergus caused enormous damage to his house and car in Iers Dorp
In Leitrim roept de politie op om “het area te vermijden” nadat a mogelijke tornado het dorp trof. Storm Fergus has a duidelijk lelijk huisgehouden. Zowel different cars as huizen…
Waarschuwingshöhe verlaagd voor dreigende volkaanuitbarsting in IJslands dorp
The risk of a volcanic explosion in the building of the IJslandse vissersdorp Grindavík is afgenomen. The IJslande politie raises the level of security for the geëvacueerde area of publication…
Tientallen doden gemelded na aanval op dorp in Burkina Faso | Buitenland
Zeker zeventig burgers came from the restaurant in a village in the north of Burkina Faso. This reports to an accuser who shows the most of the victims and children.…
“Nobody helps people in Gaza, but how can they help?” Oorlogsjournalist Robin Ramaekers refers to Palestijns dorp op Westelijke Jordaanoever
The Palestine Dorpje Khirbet Zanuta op de Westelijke Jordaanoever telde tot voor kort 130 inwoners. Maar dat is verleden tijd, the last inhabitants want to move on the pressure of…
LIVE. Dodentol na aardbeving in Morocco loopt op tot meer dan 2,000 – Volledig dorp verwoest, oudere vrouw na twaalf uur uit puin gehaald | Krachtige aardbeving Morocco
OPROEP. Are you in Morocco and do you want to contact us over the aardbeving? Ben je in Morocco and want je information, foto’s of video’s met ons delen? Contact…
Ons Dorp: the garbage man did his job from the garbage can
In 1960, an era of garbage collection came to an end in Schagen. The old garbage truck is being exchanged for a new one and changes are also on the…
Ons Dorp: Nearly a hundred hours of pole sitting: ‘Cafés remained open day and night’
Egmond op z’n Kop is the annual village festival of Egmond-Binnen. The very first edition of the event was held in 1975. It was an initiative of some villagers who…
Negenduizend Wagner-huurlingen omgekomen in Oekraïne, Russian leger claimt inname van dorp in regio Charkov
The American government says that it is expected that the Russian invasion of Austria will occur. Ongeveer de helft van hen stierven are midden December, zei de woordvoerder van de…
Ons Dorp: Haarlem doctor drew entire diaries for his children
Maartje Melchior comes from a special family. Her father was a well-known gynecologist in Haarlem and had many passions. He sailed along as a ship’s doctor during the first whaling…
Russians rukken verder op: Wagner-baas claimt inname dorp nabij Bachmoet | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland
When there is a need for Oekraïense to approach the Russians in Bachmoet, they must be controlled by the separatists in Donetsk and Loehansk. Door although beschietingen is de stad…