Tientallen doden gemelded na aanval op dorp in Burkina Faso | Buitenland

Zeker zeventig burgers came from the restaurant in a village in the north of Burkina Faso. This reports to an accuser who shows the most of the victims and children.

De aanval vond plaats op 5 November. Toen overvielen onbekende aanvallers the dorp Zaongo. They brought the inhabitants of the building into fire.

A special team arrives with their grandchildren in the bathroom. The accuser shows that the exacte aantal slaughter offers and mist has not yet been vastly gesteld. Ook is still onduidelijk like aft de aanval zitten. Burkina Faso has long been open to the protection of jihadist groups.

Reports about the bloedbad hebben international sorrow dead shocked reactions. The European Union has the authority in the country to take action on the issue. Ook de Amerikaanse regering heeft the bloedbad veroordeeld.
