Strike notice at Brussels Airlines: “Disruption expected during the Christmas holidays” | Domestic

There is social unrest again at Brussels Airlines. Cabin crew are on strike for an indefinite period, the French-speaking Christian union CNE reported on Friday. Trade union ACV Puls confirms and points out possible disruption during the Christmas holidays: “Brussels Airlines is about to be confronted with a possible strike that could jeopardize the holidays for thousands of travelers.”

The notice was submitted on Thursday in common front and will run from November 23, CNE secretary Didier Lebbe said. “The strike notice stems from a deep-rooted dissatisfaction within the workforce, whereby social consultation has been difficult for some time,” ACV Puls adds.

According to the unions, the immediate reason is the company’s failure to respect various collective labor agreements. For example, the airline’s management did not consult the employee representatives before publishing the employee schedules, it is said. The unions also do not accept that the wage agreements from 2020 still apply, when restructuring took place due to the corona crisis and a thousand jobs were at risk. Since then, the company has been able to post better financial results and even had the company’s most profitable summer ever.

“Too high workload”

“The planning system, the excessive workload and the lack of rest are some of the many problems that the employees raise,” says Jolinde Defieuw of ACV Puls. “The work is perceived as extremely difficult, with many employees working part-time to keep the workload somewhat bearable, but nevertheless facing significant amounts of overtime.”

The cabin crew of Brussels Airlines is now making a strong statement, according to the union: “Enough is enough. It is not yet clear exactly when the strike will take place, but the staff is aiming for the Christmas holidays,” it said.
