Robert ten Brink causes enormous surprise: ‘What a nasty man!’

Robert ten Brink has never made a secret of the fact that he behaves quite fanatically behind the scenes, but how far he goes exactly is surprising to Yvonne Coldeweijer.


Yvonne Coldeweijer reported yesterday about the alleged ‘monstrous behaviour’ of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk and in the slipstream of this she also receives many stories about the behavior of Paul de Leeuw and Robert ten Brink. It surprises Yvonne in particular that the All You Need Is Love star apparently misbehaves so much behind the scenes.

‘Totally shocked’

It is unbelievable what comes loose, says Yvonne. “Now I am used to something… But I am COMPLETELY in shock how many people have had a negative experience with Robert ten Brink.”

Yvonne’s message box is completely full. “I got ugly messages about Matthijs and Paul, but about Robert ?… I think 80-100. I don’t think I’ve experienced this before.”

Rude and arrogant

Yvonne receives information from all sides. “From former candidates and employees of Weekend Millionaires, All You Need, residents of Vlieland (he has a house there)… It is truly unprecedented what a rude, arrogant attitude he has towards ‘ordinary people’. He seems to be cursing and ranting all day long .”

One of the reactions about Robert reads as follows: “During the recording of Weekend Millionaires, he shouted in the face of a 17-year-old production intern that it was outrageous that he was no longer allowed to know the answers from Sony (right holder and paying party of the winning amounts) . Everything to prevent fraud.”

“Like a fishwife!”

Robert then behaves extremely unprofessionally, according to the source. “He thought it was outrageous and he was yelling at that girl like a fishwife. ‘For years I present this program and make sure it is a success and then I am so mistrusted?’”

It is incomprehensible that you then vent your frustration on a production intern, according to this source. “You would say that you would just walk to Sony instead of a 17-year-old production intern…”

Stories about Robert

The stories from Yvonne about Robert:

Even more juice

More juice about Robert:
