Police unions threaten carnival strike | 1Limburg

The police unions ACP, ANPV, Equipe and NPB threaten to resign during carnival if the cabinet does not comply with the collective labor agreement requirements.

The unions announced this on Friday.

It is still unclear what form the strike will take during carnival, according to a spokesperson for the Dutch Police Association (NPB). “You have to think of work stoppages and things like that. We will work on that in the near future.”

The strike during Carnival is part of several strikes by the police unions. The unions are protesting because the cabinet does not want to meet their demands for a new collective labor agreement. “Right now they are coming with nothing. The workload is enormous and the capacity is in huge pressure,” says the spokesperson.

The NPB says that there is a ‘great chance’ that the strike will actually take place if the cabinet does not meet the police. “It makes no sense to announce actions that we are not going to carry out.”

According to the police union, the fact that unsafe situations can arise during a large party such as carnival is ‘the task and role of the board’.

Collective labor agreement requirements
The unions call the upcoming actions a ‘stack protest’ to increase political pressure. In the coming weeks, work interruptions at the Surveillance and Security service are on the agenda, among other things. The plan is also to block access to the surroundings of the Binnenhof in The Hague.

The unions are announcing the action after the outcome of talks with a government delegation. No promises were made in it about spearheads such as the income of police officers and the capacity of the police forces.


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