Police strike also during VVV-Venlo – Roda JC match | 1Limburg

There will be no police present during the VVV Venlo – Roda JC match on Sunday. The protest is part of the announced strikes of the police unions ACP, ANPV, Equipe and NPB.

The work stoppage has no consequences for the football match. VVV’s general director Marco Bogers confirms to L1 that it can continue.

The police unions want to force the cabinet to comply with the collective labor agreement requirements of the unions. The police will strike from 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, an hour before kick-off until an hour after the game. The game will take place without an audience in De Koel, the home port of VVV-Venlo.

The decision whether the event can take place without the police is formally with Mayor Antoin Scholten van Venlo. Bogers explains that the club, the police and the municipality have already held consultations on Thursday. “It is also not necessary for a club to deploy extra stewards,” says the VVV director. “In addition, there are always police officers on hand if the situation calls for it.”

Stack protest
The action is part of the ‘From bad to worse’ protest against the lack of a new police collective labor agreement. “The actions of the police unions are aimed at making it clear to the Rutte IV cabinet how much the health and safety of the current police employees have come under pressure due to the unwise police policy of the Rutte I to III cabinets,” the National Action Center for Police Actions said. .

Carnival Strike
On Friday morning, the four police unions already announced that they would stop their activities during carnival if their collective labor agreement requirements are not accepted. It is still unclear what form this strike will take, according to a spokesperson for the national Police Action Center.

Also read: Police unions threaten carnival strike


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