Beeping smoke detector from neighbor turned off, Sanne can finally sleep again

Sanne Geurts from Den Bosch can sleep peacefully again. Since Friday, the loud beeping of her neighbour’s smoke detector, who is on vacation for two months, has made her crazy. The housing association and the police did not want to intervene at first, but in the end two police officers came to the rescue. “I’m sleeping well at home again, wonderful,” she says.

A beeping sound that sounds like a truck backing up. This is how Sanne describes the sound she heard for days. “I couldn’t sleep, the noise was even over my TV sound.”

That is why she was the first to call the housing association Zayaz. He said he couldn’t do anything because the neighbor can’t be reached. According to the rules, a housing association may only intervene in exceptional situations. Apparently they didn’t find this nuisance that special.

Not for Sanne and other local residents. The noise pollution became so unbearable that some neighbors wanted to smash a window in order to get into the house and switch off the smoke detector, says Sanne.

In desperation, Sannen called the police last night. But he also said he couldn’t do anything. “Take earplugs,” was the advice. And the police tipped her to put a letter on the door in case someone came to water the plants.

Still help
She therefore decided to sleep with her parents for the next few weeks. That plan has now changed after media attention from Omroep Brabant. The police suddenly showed up at the door on Tuesday afternoon, Sanne explains. “I received a message from someone who was walking his dog and came by my house: ‘There are police’. I immediately went home. There were other officers who wanted to help. They had to wait for the officer on duty, to to break a window. But luckily he gave permission.”

The smoke detector was soon turned off. Then the glazier was called.

Sanne is very happy with the help of the police. “I sleep wonderfully in my own bed, I’m glad the cops went ahead. But according to the police, the bill for a new window should go to my neighbor, who is not already rich. These are social housing. I’m going to help him pay for it.” to recover money from the housing association. They could also have helped, in a cheaper way.”
