Zoetermeer from the lock again: ‘We can play great concerts again’

Dancing in the disco, no longer keeping your distance: the end of most corona measures is in sight. As Minister Kuipers of Health said during the press conference: “The country is opening again”. Check here what will soon be allowed again in Zoetermeer.

The first relaxation will take effect immediately. From now on you can receive as many people at home as you want. The other relaxations will be implemented in two parts: as of February 18 and 25.

Most important relaxation from February 18th

  • All locations are allowed to open until 1 a.m. The corona admission ticket will continue to apply here. Only at locations with more than 500 people you still have to wear a mouth cap and have a permanent seat.
  • Are you infected with the coronavirus? Then there is a minimum isolation time of five days, provided you have no complaints for 24 hours.
  • The work from home advice is being changed. It is still recommended to work from home, but at least half the time.
  • All students are welcome again in classes and lectures.

Most important relaxation from February 25th

  • Cinemas, museums, discotheques, restaurants and all other locations may have regular opening hours.
  • The corona ticket with the 3G rule is no longer used in locations where there are less than 500 people.
  • In places indoors where more than 500 people gather and do not have a permanent seat, for example at festivals, everyone must show a negative test result. This does not apply to transfer locations such as trade fairs and conferences.
  • You no longer have to keep one and a half meters away.
  • The mask obligation is disappearing in many places. You only have to wear a mask on public transport and at airports.

Pop stage open again

At Poppodium Boerderij, the more than 100 volunteers are eager to get back to work. With a maximum occupancy of up to 500 people, this music stage is already very happy. “Without a one and a half meter measure, we can actually run as usual,” says a spokesperson for De Boerderij. “We have canceled our concerts for the months of January and February. We will be able to hit again in March.”

Because many corona measures were adjusted a few times in the short term, it was difficult for the pop stage to switch quickly. “We need preparation time to be able to organize a concert. The catering industry can open immediately with relaxation, but we are dealing with various factors that take time. Artists often come from abroad and different measures applied in each country.”

Purchased tickets not returned

Poppodium Boerderij has been able to count on a lot of support from the public over the past two years. “In the summer of 2021 we were open for small concerts with fixed seats. Fortunately, we will soon be able to let the maximum number of visitors in without restrictions. Many customers chose not to return their previously purchased tickets. Now that the measures are relaxing, hopes for the passage of a concert have increased. We see ticket sales increasing.”

Check for all the details the website of the national government.


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