Zaniolo case, Bertolini explains: “I didn’t judge him”

The Italian women’s coach on the Giallorossi’s case: “I’m sorry for the negative implications of my words. I just emphasized that, like all young people, I believe that Zaniolo must also be guided in managing natural difficulties”

The case linked to the criticisms that rained down on Nicolò Zaniolo after the expulsion against Genoa and in particular to the harsh words of the national women’s team coach Milena Bertolini, who had spoken of a boy who “must be educated”, does not seem to subside. In the morning, in defense of the Giallorossi’s talent, her mother Francesca and her agent Vigorelli took the field, who had directly involved the coach. Now it is she who replies.

The clarification

Bertolini in fact wanted to clarify as follows, in a note released by the FIGC: “I am deeply sorry for the negative implications that my words about Zaniolo are taking on. I have extrapolated a small part of what I have expressed, without fully listening to my thoughts in the its complexity, may have contributed to generating the misunderstanding. For this reason I consider it useful to clarify. During the 90 ° Minuto broadcast I tried to explain that Zaniolo’s frustration for the cancellation of the goal scored deserved greater attention and greater understanding , as the affectionate embrace of Mourinho clearly demonstrated. I stressed that, even if I did not intend to justify his words, the specific situation should have been understood, without punishing him excessively. Like all young boys, I believe that Zaniolo also goes assisted and guided in the management of the emotional aspects, that is, in the management of natural difficulties, frustrations and of the alleged injustices that can be experienced in a match. When I talked about education I was referring to these aspects, closely linked to football growth. Far be it from me to judge other personal aspects. Nicolò is a great talent and a heritage of Italian football and above all a boy who among other things seems to me extremely sensitive and generous “.


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