Zakharova called the CBS publication about the invasion a “selective falsification”

The plot of the American television channel CBS that Russian troops advanced to the position of attack on Ukraine is a fake. This was stated by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports “RIA News”.

“The plot itself is a selective falsification. Where are all these international commissions and committees to counter fakes?” – she said.

In addition, Zakharova recommended that the channel’s film crew go to the Donbass and talk to people who “have been living under real air strikes for seven years, and not invented by television.”

February 15 CBS News citing US officials handed overthat Russia has put forward several long-range artillery and rocket launchers into firing positions for the invasion of Ukraine. The channel’s source said that Russian units began to leave their concentration areas on February 14.

Matviyenko called “absolute savagery” the idea of ​​a war with Ukraine


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