YouTube could also get into NFTs

Susan Wojicki, CEO of YouTube, said declared than its platform could also take a close interest in NFTs in the coming months. These cryptographic tokens to which is attached a certificate of digital ownership on a blockchain are increasingly of interest to tech giants.

NFTs on YouTube in 2022?

For the CEO of YouTube, “The past year has highlighted the possibilities of blockchain, including being able to strengthen the relationship between creators and their fans”. YouTube is convinced that NFTs can enable creators improve the experiences they bring to their community on the platform. After Facebook and Instagram, YouTube could therefore in turn embark on NFTs.

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This technology is becoming increasingly popular. Simply put, they are virtual objects that Internet users can buy, display and sell. This very promising market has grown from 1 to 40 billion dollars in 2021. The prospects for development are great and the Google subsidiary does not want to miss out. If YouTube allowed content creators to sell NFTs directly to their subscribers, it would be a boon for this emerging technology, which has yet to be fully adopted by major platforms. This could change in 2022.

Susan Wojicki is also interested in podcasts

Twitter also seems to be looking into the subject, especially with NFT profile pictures. For its part, the Meta group is working on the creation of a marketplace with the aim of allowing Facebook and Instagram users to create, sell and buy NFTs. There will be other new things on YouTube this year. Susan Wojicki also interested in podcasts. The ECO expects this new content “be an integral part of the business model of creators in the coming months”.

The boss of YouTube also specifies that the platform will extend its shopping functions to a greater number of creators, and “test how purchases can be integrated into short films”. In her speech, Susan Wojicki also returned to YouTube’s decision to remove “dislikes” on the platform. According to her, they are most often used to harass small creators. YouTube assures that this new formula will help protect the mental health of content creators on YouTube.


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