Yoran (14) from Klazienaveen receives serious blows from group on football field

‘Without full enforcement, there is a threat of degradation’

Theo Gerth, the (grand)father of Erik and Yoran is also shocked by what happened to his grandson. “You always hope that something like this stays far away from you. Now it comes very close.” Gerth is also a member of the Emmer city council on behalf of the CDA.

Purely coincidentally, his party before the incident with Yoran raised nuisance by youth in Klazienaveen during a committee meeting.

The CDA has received several signals about this from the vicinity of the Sterrenbuurt and the Meridian. “A resident approached the local police officer, but he was told that the police did not have time to deal with these kinds of cases.” The confessional party has been hammering for more boas in the municipality for some time now.

Mayor Eric van Oosterhout announced at the end of last year that he would further expand the number of boas. The new forces are mainly deployed in villages such as Emmer-Compascuum and Klazienaveen.

Gerth thinks this is a good development. ‘It could all be a little faster. Without full enforcement there is a threat of degradation. Something has been promised more often and then it just doesn’t happen.”


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