Wonders: the places visited by Alberto Angela in the third episode

D.after the Christmas break and with Ortigia, Lucca, Ischia and Procida still in mind, Alberto Angela is back on Rai 1 at 9.25pm Wonders. The program where the paleontologist and presenter illustrates the history of Italy through works of art and natural beauty.

Stages of this new tour are Monza, Tivoli and Arab-Norman Sicily; guests: Maria, sister of Giovanni Falcone, the legendary footballer Sandro Mazzola, Francesco Pannofino and the actress Anna Safroncik in the role of the first Queen of Italy.

Wonders: the places and guests of the third episode

It starts with Royal Villa of Monza, a desired opulent and opulent residence by the Empress of Austria Maria Theresa for his son Ferdinando. Built towards the end of the 1700s in the middle of the Royal Park the villa has 740 rooms, but in reality it occupies only a small part of the green area, which occupies over 700 hectares. Almost double that of Versailles.

To tell the relationship with Monza and the Park there is the footballer Sandro Mazzola.

The history of the Villa, far from exhausted with the end of the Habsburg house, continues in the following centuries hosting personalities such as Margherita, the first Queen of Italy. That, played by actress Anna Safroncik, she has the task of revealing some secrets linked to the Savoy dynasty.

Second stage of the journey is Tivoli, a name that since the Renaissance has been synonymous with wonder for the presence of two jewels declared World Heritage by Unesco: Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este. The first was designed by the emperor Hadrian; the second is a 16th century work born on the initiative of cardinal Ippolito II d’Este who, with the statues and marbles brought to light from the ancient Roman villa, created the Gorgeous fountains in the park.

Francesco Pannofino, actor and voice actor, is the witness of the fascination that these two masterpieces have always exercised of the Italian genius; with Massimo Wertmuller in the role of Ippolito d’Este.

Wonders Alberto Angela Rai 1

(Photo by Barbara Ledda)

Discovering Palermo

The episode of Wonders tonight ends in Palermo, a crossroads of different yet well-blended cultures.

Starring the Zisa castle called “The splendid” and the Cathedral of Monreale – with the beautiful mosaics including the embrace of Christ Pantocrator and the cloister. Two works commissioned by William II, in flesh and blood thanks to the actor Vincenzo Crivello.

To Maria Falcone instead the task of memory of the city, drawing from the most intense memories lived with his brother Giovanni. Long before the magistrate became the symbol of a land who loved him and still loves him very much.



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