woman-fragranced coffee

★★ Almost thirty years later, Netflix had the great idea of ​​recreating a telenovela that was pivotal in its time. So he mixed the old rich-boy-poor-girl romance with music and complex elements like terrorism (we’re talking, in Colombia, about the times of the FARC), without discounting the resentful guy and the jealous woman. But what was then part of a tradition has remained here as a kind of fashion ironing. In general, it is a convention of the genre that the protagonist seems to come out of a fairy tale even if she is in a coffee plantation picking grains by hand. But here things are no longer “fantasy styling” to seem like a direct self-parody: Laura Londoño (good or bad, it doesn’t matter) is, in this context, incredible. Each shot looks like a millennial advertisement, which distracts from a plot that quickly loses interest.

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