Woedend street protest in Poland na dood van Agnieszka (37) the abortion was refused

Agnieszka T. was forced to stop a tweeling toen de Hartslag van een van de fetussen. De vrouw overleed after that artsen refused a compulsory schapsafbreking uit te voeren, so writing de Britse krant The Guardians. Haar family accused de Poolse regering ervan “bloed aan de handen” te hebben, en in Warsaw kwamen demonstrators op straat.

“We remain protesters because no one else would die,” says Marta Lempart, the organizer of the protest, aan Poolse media. “The Poolse abortusverbod is dodelijk. Someone has just died before there is a medical indication that it will not go away.”

Het Poolse abortion law was already known, since in 2020 the regulation of the part was right and law (PiS) a stap verder. Via het Constitutioneel Hof, in the absence of an extension of the rule of law with politically loyal rights, abortion will be laid on the bands. Het leidde tot tot the biggest protests in Poland are de val van het communisme. Last year the wet swizzing was also considered.

Serious afwijkingen before the birth of a child, de talking about before all legal abortion in Poland, these are due to the juridical grounds for the birth of the child. Abortion is all toegestaan ​​until the verkrachting of incest. If there is a compulsory life-threatening plan, it is for the future. Voorstanders van the strictere Weknow that het sterfgeval in Pszczyna met the new wetgeving te maken heeft.


Agnieszka was born on December 21st with a book in a living room in Częstochowa. Twee dagen later stopped de hardslag van een van de tweelingen en volgens Agnieszka’s family weigerden de artsen de fetus weg te halen vanwege de abortuswetgeving. Ze woke up grandchildren dagen dead also de tweede fetus stierf. Pas twee dagen daarna will de born tweeling weggehaald.

De gezondheid van Agnieszka bleef achteruitgaan. The hair family is allowed to overleed a blood poisoning, but the hair damage will not be declared in the declaration of the door het Zikenhuis will be opened.


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