With its all-inclusive accounting offer, L-Expert-Comptable.com simplifies access to entrepreneurship

The creation of a business is punctuated by many stages. Search for financial aid, choice of legal status, registration… So many steps that appear to be complex for 33% of French people who embark on the entrepreneurial adventure (Ifop). However, these procedures can now be simplified thanks to digital technology. It is the ambition of L-Expert-Comptable.com. Created in 2009, this 100% online accounting firm, member of the Order of Chartered Accountants, offers a complete service ranging from business creation to the balance sheet. The objective is to support young entrepreneurs throughout their project.


An offer developed by real chartered accountants

When starting a business, it can be difficult to know where to start. For this reason, the L-Expert-Comptable.com teams have implemented simple and quick processes. Thanks to the online format, there is no need to run between different appointments to ensure that each administrative procedure is carried out.

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Everything can be done quickly and directly from home or at work. After making contact to discuss his project, one of the chartered accountants offers personalized advice according to his sector of activity, his needs and his expectations. It guides the young entrepreneur in the choice of his legal status (EURL, SARL, SAS, SASU, etc.), his tax regime or his domicile.

Once the necessary supporting documents have been provided, his adviser takes care of each essential step for his company to be created: definition of the corporate purpose, deposit of the capital with the notary, drafting of its statutes and the M0 form, sending of the file at the Registry, publication of legal announcements in the newspaper, management of possible back and forth with the administration… So many elements which normally require many appointments to be made in advance, wasting a lot of time, but which are fully managed by the site teams.

In order to facilitate access to entrepreneurship, support in the creation of a project is free and included in the offers offered by L-Expert-Comptable.com, allowing significant savings to be made. Third-party fees, i.e. those imposed by the administration to set up a business in France, are the only fees to be paid once the administrative document attesting to the legal existence of your company (KBIs) has been received. They are, however, advanced by L-Expert-Comptable.com.

An accounting firm specializing in supporting freelancers, independents and VSEs

The support continues beyond the creation of the company. The freelancer, the self-employed or the manager of a very small business (TPE) is assigned a fixed adviser who helps him manage his accounts, and to whom he can turn in case of questions, to which an answer will be provided. in the half day. The 100% online offer allows him to communicate with him whenever he needs to and in the way that suits him the most: e-mail, videoconference or telephone.

L-Expert-Comptable.com also provides entrepreneurs with intuitive tools to help them manage their accounts correctly and easily. Everything is done through the Tiime apps, allowing access to automated and smooth processes.

Tiime Accounts is useful for storing all its receipts in the same place while Tiime Invoice is used to transform its invoices into personalized quotes and to invoice its customers in one click. To manage your payroll and employment contracts, it is possible to opt for Apy Paie, a tool available in addition. These solutions make it possible to avoid paperwork and put away the heavy files that took up space and made organization complex.

L-Expert-Comptable.com is therefore a major ally both in the launch of a company and in its proper functioning. The tools offered and the continuous support allow any entrepreneur to no longer feel overwhelmed by the administration and to devote themselves fully to the development of their business and their projects.



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