Winter Games in Beijing – Combined Frenzel in the quarantine hotel: “I have everything”

Zhangjiakou (dpa) – According to the corona-positive Olympic champion Eric Frenzel, the conditions in the quarantine hotel at the Winter Games in Beijing have improved significantly.

“I’ve been here in the hotel for two days now and fortunately I have everything I need. I have opportunities to exercise and the food is okay. I have to be patient now, fortunately the Covid values ​​are also going in the right direction Direction. So I hope to get out of here soon, “said combiner Frenzel in a video message to the TV channel Eurosport.

Team manager Horst Hüttel said about the circumstances in the quarantine hotel: “So far it’s okay, absolutely. The food is good. We have spinning bikes.” This would keep Frenzel and Terence Weber, who is also in isolation, fit.

Initially, the situation in Frenzel’s hotel was “very bad”, as team doctor Stefan Pecher reported. The 33-year-old Frenzel tested positive for the virus after arriving in China. He and his family had taken strict measures in advance.

“My wife endured a lot of deprivation. We all went into isolation, we took the children out of kindergarten, the older ones out of school. Now it’s doubly annoying that all the effort isn’t rewarded and you’re even got one on it,” said Frenzel. But he “probably” got infected at the Nordic combined in Seefeld. “I was moving in an area that we all hoped would be safe,” said the record world champion.

The positive corona tests of his teammates Frenzel and Weber also affect double Olympic champion Johannes Rydzek emotionally. “It’s not an easy situation. It’s like a bad movie somewhere,” said the 30-year-old. “We are thinking of them and we hope that they will get better soon,” Rydzek continued. He had already been in contact with both of them, said the man from Oberstdorf, but also referred to internet problems.


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