Win (or not) the League

The specialists in the culé do not agree if what is happening in the offices is more like a vaudeville of doors that open and close, of cupboards where lovers hide, of misunderstandings that cause the public to laugh, or if we talk about a work of shakespeare, a Julius Caesar, for example, where the conspiracies end with knives, with friends who were and have ceased to be, with unbridled fury for power and with egos that tolerate each other facing the gallery and stab each other when they enter the rooms of the Senate, or with speeches that mean the exact opposite of what they proclaim in an exaggerated voice. We live, then, between the joke and the tragedy. It goes reverse, the flagship that was to command the troops in the stormy sea, because he had a different idea of ​​what the club should be like or because he simply couldn’t stand Laporta’s constant and inquisitive gaze, determined to be a Stakhanovist, that is, a tenacious office worker and permanent. Or he leaves because the president, once he has overcome the reef of endorsements, already sees himself with the nerves of being the same as always, and, with the box a little redone thanks to the soundtrack of spotify, He doesn’t need anyone to shade him.

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Before playing in the candy box Cornellà-El Prat, Xavi did not rule out anything. He trusted that his proposal was not the flower of a day, but that he even aspired to win the League, although, sensible as he is, he warned of a tangible and irrefutable obviousness: “We depend on those who go ahead”. It is depending a lot, because fifteen points (twelve, if we are optimistic, or nine if we win, when it comes to Madrid) It’s too much difference. It’s not impossible, but I can think of few things more impossible than this. Xavi He has a moral obligation not to throw in the towel when there are still a few rounds to play, but I don’t think there are any fans looking up and using a calculator at this point.

The Spanish raised the previous one as what we call a turning point, after a few disastrous weeks (it was noticeable in the electrical environment), and the Barcain a stadium where they have never lost in the League, they knew that winning in Cornella it was a necessary, inescapable condition, so as not to cheapen sleep, as he sang Lluis Llach, in such a “difficult and surly present & rdquor ;. The truth is that the Barca deserved to win, especially before the notable error of Eric Garcia, but there was a certain poetic justice in the closing of DeJong that avoided blue-white ecstasy. It may not serve to win the League, but it does leave the parakeets without the celebration they were already celebrating. Having a centerer like adama (with much more technique than I imagined) and with the partial resurrection of Dembelemaybe Xavi he should have brought in a striker earlier to finish off. Maybe we would have won. Perhaps we would still have the League within reach. Oh Lord.


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