Wife Meat Loaf broken after his death: “Our life together was an adventure” | showbiz

celebritiesDeborah Aday, the wife of Meat Loaf, who died last week, has commented on his death in People magazine. The two had been married for almost 15 years.

“My whole world revolved around him,” Deborah Aday told People. “From the day we met, he was my world. I loved him. Not a day went by without us telling each other how much we loved each other. Not a day went by without us hugging each other.”

Deborah married musician Michael Aday in 2007, as Meat Loaf was really called. The two had a lot of fun together, she says. “Michael was a hugger. He was physically affectionate and a sweet man. I got married late because I was waiting for the right man. And oh boy, he was the right man for me. I realize how blessed I have been to have been able to share my life with such an incredible man. He never hesitated to let me know that I was loved. He often affectionately told me, “You are a good woman.” I will miss hearing that.”


“Our life together was an adventure. He was my best friend, my confidant, my lover. And I already miss him incredibly. My heart aches, but it is also full of love that we have shared. I will love you forever, Michael.”

Their daughter, Amanda, also reacted to her father’s death. She shared how she and her sister Pearl rushed to Nashville when it turned out that he was not well. “As fast as we could, we sat next to him in the hospital and held his hand. I am very grateful that we had the chance to see him before he died. He was a singer, actor, father, husband and grandfather. To my nephew he was Papa Meat. He was everything.”


PORTRAIT. Singing talent through shot put, a role in ‘Fight Club’ and friends with Trump. This was Meat Loaf (+)

Meat Loaf, known for ‘Paradise by the Dashboard Light’, passed away at age 74


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