Why I’m not writing any more Marzahn restaurant reviews for the time being

Normally there are regular restaurant reviews of Marzahn neighborhood bars on Marrach’s Ostblog. But that’s the end of it for the time being. East blogger Konstantin Marrach explains why.

Loyal readers of Marrachs Ostblog know and appreciate the restaurant reviews that I regularly write here about neighborhood bars. But that’s the end of it for the time being. So that there is no surprise among the readers, I would like to briefly explain the decision at this point.

The reason is the so-called 2G rule, which currently only allows vaccinated and recovered people to visit a restaurant in Berlin.
A number of our friends and relatives are not vaccinated. I personally think that nobody in our society should be excluded or excluded. That’s why I’m currently avoiding going to restaurants. And so there are of course no current food topics that I could write about here.

Should the so-called 2G rule fall again at some point, I will of course visit bars like in the past. Then there are regular reviews here on the Ostblog.

By the way: An end to 2G would obviously also be in the interests of many localities. Several friendly restaurant owners from the neighborhood have already reported to me via email or Whatsapp that they are currently experiencing a significant loss of guests and of course the associated loss of sales.

This also coincides with an observation I recently made in the neighborhood. On a Saturday evening stroll, I looked through the windows of a large restaurant in Biesdorf. Usually on such a day at this time the restaurant is packed. But this time only a good half of the tables were occupied …


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