Why do you have to roll up the windows while taking off or landing the plane?

09/23/2022 at 06:33


It is one of the most curious rules when we travel by plane

Many people do not know why it is done

When an airplane takes off or lands certain security measures must be followed so that everything is in order and the maneuver is as safe and pleasant for passengers. Pick up the tray, store the handbags under the seats, put on the seat belt…

There is a somewhat curious and that many people do not know why it is done. Whether day or night, the window should always be raised so that 100% of the exterior of the aircraft is observed.

Why is this happening? It is very simple, although at first it seems somewhat banal, it is for security reasons. This gesture must be made so that people traveling near the wings or engines can clearly see these parts of the aircraft.

If there were some type of mechanical incident or something that was not as it should go (smoke, fire, detachment of pieces…) could quickly notice and notify the cabin team to proceed as required by security protocols.

That is why passengers traveling near these aircraft areas can be key when reporting a mechanical incident and save the plane, so they are forced to take off or land with the windows up.
