Why celery and beetroot juice helps you lose weight

Orange juice tastes good to most, celery juice less. However, when it comes to losing weight, vegetable juice has clear advantages. You just have to ignore the taste, which takes some getting used to.

If you are on a low-calorie diet and want to lose weight, you should drink more vegetable juices instead of fruit juices. This is what fitness and nutrition coach Henri Ciplajevs advises. Grape juice, apple juice and orange juice, for example, are among the very high-calorie fruit juices because of their high sugar content.

Ciplajevs makes it clear: “That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t eat the fruit under any circumstances.” But when it comes to fruit juice, only consume it in moderation. Otherwise you could unconsciously consume a lot of calories and possibly even gain weight.

Celery juice is the expert’s favorite

The personal trainer has a favorite vegetable juice: celery juice. In comparison, it has fewer calories, fills you up well, stimulates digestion and can help you lose weight.

The taste of celery juice takes some getting used to for many people. “In my opinion, the positive properties and the low number of calories are reason enough to overlook the taste,” says Ciplajevs.

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If you can’t taste celery juice at all, grapefruit juice could be an alternative – it’s fruit juice, but it scores with its bitter substances.

Ginger juice is also very healthy and can stimulate fat burning, as can beetroot juice.


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