What kind of pacts could be given in the elections of Castilla y León?

02/11/2022 at 22:04


A few days before the end of the campaign in Castilla y León, all surveys agree that the majorities will be, except surprise, nonexistent. Something that will force the parties to take positions and sit down to negotiate after February 13. All this, with an electoral campaign marked by macro-farms, European funds and the regional financing.

The post-election day will let go of holding each other to get to work based on getting government partners. Candidates are closed to show your cards for the pactalthough they do dare to predict what the opposite will do.

Popular majority?

The current president of the Board and candidate for the PP, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, is running as the favorite in the polls and trust to rule in lonely, unifying the center-right vote in his person. PSOE and Ciudadanos, however, bet that the “popular” they will need Vox to govern and “they will do so” in the words of the socialist leader, Luis Tudanca. The match of Santiago Abascal stands firm and bets on not giving the Government “for nothing”.

According the electoral survey carried out by La Opinion-El Correo de ZamoraManueco I would be far to achieve that goal, the prognosis places him at six majority solicitors in the best of scenarios for your interests and nine if the figure stays in the lowest data. However, maybe Vox you don’t have to “give away” the votes for the PP, as long as the popular look for support among the provincial formations. possible options, but unlikelySince the break with Por Ávila in the negotiation of the regional budgets, it has distanced both parties a lot; and regional parties such as Por Zamora or ¡Soria Ya! they have shown opposites to Mañueco’s policies.

leftist government

If the Popular Party fails to convince anyone, an opportunity opens up for the opposition to form a leftist government that would lead the PSOE with Luis Tudanca at the head, who would obtain between 27 and 31 prosecutors, for which he would need broad support from the rest of the political forces.

Socialists could count on this “election race” with the support of United We Can and probably with UPL if they share positions. Francisco Igea has been shown to “close poses” if we talk about program and measures. Although with other formations I’d have to work harder if he wants to reach the Cortes as autonomous president.

In this regard, the socialist leader in Castilla y León, Luis Tudanca, has assured on different occasions that your partythe PSOE, is the only exchange guarantee in the community. What is clear is that the socialists will have to find the enough props to unseat the PP after 35 years at the head of the regional Executive.


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