What does Stevige dip op de Beurzen? Isn’t that the first thing you’ve got?

The aandelenmarkten like dogs wonden after a stevige correction. Angst and onzekerheid dry and blood spoor. A classic dip, do we want it to be even smaller?

Lieven Desmet

Seriously, is he stupid?

Al grande weken zijn de wereldwijde beursindexen aarzelend act in hun. De start van het nieuwe jaar went daardoor paired with lagere koersen. Maandag rolde real een heuse Verkoopgolf over de Beursvloer. Wall Street counts in less than 4 percent.

The Nasdaq kromp met bijna 5 percent. Onze Bel20 sloot maandag de Handelsdag af met a duik van 3.7 per cent en landde voor het eerst sinds mei last year or 4,000 points. Dinsdag herstelden de Beurzen Lichtjes van hun Pandoering, maar he zijn wonden beaten.

“De forse lost van de jongste dagen hebben heel wat beurzen ondertussen 10 per cent onder hun recente high levels. Technically we speak dan van een correctie,” says Tom Simonts of KBC. Zijn collega bij Morgan Stanley, Michael Wilson, verwees naar de game of Thrones-boutade ‘Winter is here.’ However, in terms of perspective, it is expected that there will be overdriving. In March 2020, at the beginning of the corona crisis and the lockdowns that occurred, the panicked beurzen was expected to be around 10 percent in the day, and the 20-year loss was around 14.2 percent in the day. The greatest value in the divorce of Bel20 is 1991.

What does that bloedbad say?

When the forecast for the financial market for 2022 is made, there will be a higher degree of volatility. With other words: receipts may be given for a sloppy ritje. The condition for the negative value is threefold. He is about to begin the onrust over the greatness of the Russian beer aan de grens met Oekraïne. The nervousness of the situation is very high when it comes to diplomacy, even if there are toenemende kans op a gewelddadig conflict. It also suffers from economic sancties. Europe is partly affiliated with Russian gas. A crime in de aanvoer zal de gasprijzen opnieuw doen opveren.

Also de onzekerheid over het manufacture van de Werldhandel en logistiek spelen een rol bij de Koersdalingen. The omicron variant gijzelt steeds sea of ​​semenleving and de economy, warbij valley van mensen uitvallen. Het ondernemersvertrouwen is in ons land deze maand dan also opnieuw licht gedaald, blijkt uit de maandelijkse conjunctuurenquête van de Nationale Bank bij de bedrijven.

Then he is naturally also like Jerome Powell. The announcement of the Central Bank of America will come on Wednesday to all accounts with the budget of the Federal Reserve in March of this year. That is the first concrete step in one direction of Renteverhogingen. A higher pension is obligatory for an additional fee than the assigned costs.

How does it evolve and what do I do as an occupant?

This depends on the term given beforehand from a number of points. Ten eerste: How does the conflict with Russia evolve? When the diplomacy is in the conflict, there is a concern for a quick breeding of the light. Not onbelangrijk, the Russian beurs dook maandag met 8 percent omlaag en what daarmee wereldwijd de largest verliezer.

You can also worry about Jerome Powell in his decision about renting out the required oil from the gold. The rent-taking is based on the fact that there is no money in the future. Also important: during this week there will be bigger requests than Microsoft, Apple and Tesla with our request results. When you go, you also have to worry about a positive sentiment.

Tom Simonts broke then also for het hoofd koel te houden. “We are still happy in an economical big and good working result for 2022.” How a beetje cash opzij heeft staan ​​kan gebruikmaken van deze correctie om goedkoper aandelen in te kopen. Financiële aandelen (banken of verzekeraars) zijn een good investing in tijden van stijgende rentes. Of value: “De Zwitserse frank is in the short period of recession of geopolitical onrust and beacons of stability,” says Philippe Gijsels, Chief Strategy Officer at BNP Paribas Fortis.


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