Weesper badminton player Selena Piek hates the Dutch National Championships: “I can only lose”

Selena Piek has been playing at the top of badminton for fifteen years. The player from Weesp is preparing for the Dutch National Championships this weekend. Piek is the big favorite with thirteen national titles under his belt. “I can only lose.”


We are looking for Selena Piek at Duinwijck in Haarlem. At the age of fifteen she made her debut for the first team of this badminton club.

Piek is still associated with Duinwijck and occasionally participates. She also played in the league match against Drop Shot from The Hague on Sunday. The Haarlem-squad won 5-3, partly thanks to Piek.

Watch the video for Piek’s report at her club Duinwijck.


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