Weekly Horoscope: Gemini, positive energy can blind you to the downsides of situations

A brand new (future) weekly horoscope is ready for you. This week from 7 to 13 February 2022

Viola Robbemondt.

Aquarius 20-1 to 18-2

Which people give you energy? How do you want to live from now on? And what has to change for that? The Aquarius is ready for feeding types and situations. No shortage of admirers. Raise the bar in love too.

Fish 19-2 to 20-3

This is the week to sign a contract or propose. The Pisces can now be spontaneous in all kinds of areas. Dreaming is no longer enough, it is time for action. Embarrassing situations (think: lipstick on your teeth, text to the wrong person) you laugh away carelessly.

Aries 21-3 to 20-4

Aries wavers between past and future. That backpack full of tasks and duties can weigh heavily. How does it get bearable? Your active nature is now being awakened. Use your influence to smoke the peace pipe together. Organize a party!

Taurus 21-4 to 20-5

The Taurus collides. With people. With that table leg. With that cyclist. Normally burned out quickly, you now stay in the eye of the storm. That opens the heart, also for people who think differently. Listening to their opinion also proves useful.

Gemini 21-05 to 21-6

Positive energy can blind you to the downsides of situations. So take small steps, then you can still go in all directions. The Gemini has her rose-colored glasses on all week. Know: those beautiful sides of the other mirror yourself!

Cancer 22-6 to 22-7

It has been a week of sharp negotiations. That still feels a bit uncomfortable for the Cancer. There’s no need to be afraid, you’re worth it. Take off that happy mask on bad days. That plague has something to say.

Leo 23-7 to 22-8

Are there any loose ends? Who is there to talk to? De Leeuw now emphasizes the beautiful and the good. Show your gratitude for lessons learned, even to people who are less good for you.

Virgo 23-8 to 22-9

The Virgo sprinkles with advice, especially about health. Bring them on with gusto, but also realize that not everyone will do something with them. Take bumps together and teamwork will naturally become more fun. You make friends for life.

Scale 23-9 to 22-10

Giving makes you happy. But is it possible to receive? The Libra is taught self-love. When you shine, it shines on others. Your sixth sense focuses on relationships. Play for Cupid, or let his arrows hit you.

Scorpio 23-10 to 21-11

Divorce, resignation, overthrowing someone… The Scorpio now comes across as fierce. Keep this energy, it serves a purpose. And don’t forget the importance of the other. What seems at odds with yours is a request for greater understanding.

Sagittarius 22-11 to 20-12

Single Archers’ arrows hit the mark. Are you out for a drama or a rom-com? Desires are strong now, but do not seek happiness in the other alone. It is good to score at work. Don’t forget to discuss big steps first.

Capricorn 21-12 to 19-1

Being your own best friend; the Capricorn still finds it difficult. Recipe: Give yourself three feathers a day. There is a good chance that you will finally change your financial helm. Simple life attracts like a magnet. Hiking by sailing boat or start that wine estate?

Predictions by astrologer Viola Robbemondt.


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