Weekly Horoscope 2 – The feelings for each other increase, Gemini | Horoscopes


Love: Although things are going well between you and your loved one, you notice that you need more tension. Come come Aries, nobody stays in love all their life. Don’t do things that you will later regret.

Finances: The good news is that a nice amount is on its way to you, the less nice news is that you have to wait a little longer.

Work: Your agenda is filling up faster than expected. Keep prioritizing and don’t sacrifice all your free time, that’s where it all went wrong last year.

Personal: Your energy and resistance decrease slightly, keep taking good care of yourself.


Love: Between you and your loved one, everything is smooth sailing. No fireworks, but no bombs either.

Finances: It won’t be long before your income improves. A pay increase or the possibility to work more hours is to be expected.

Work: Where it used to be difficult for you to find the right balance between work and family, you are now doing just fine. You can cycle everywhere in a relaxed manner.

Personal: Medical or financial decisions or results are not completely reliable. Many mistakes are made now, so feel free to ask for a review or second opinion.


Love: Work comes before love, both for you and your partner. Despite this – or perhaps because of this – the feelings for each other only increase.

Finances: Money that you still had credit will be paid out this week. Super nice because you’ve been waiting for it for a while.

Work: Your employer has good intentions for you, new opportunities present themselves. The desired pay increase is not forthcoming for a while, but you do enjoy going to work.

Personal: Pay extra attention in traffic and during sports. You tend to overestimate yourself sometimes, which makes it easier for you to injure yourself.


Love: You need to meet up with friends a little more often, even without your partner. You just like coming home together afterwards.

Finance: Within your social network there are people who can teach you a thing or two about investing or investing. It is also possible that you will be offered additional work via via.

Work: Although you do not agree with everything, you have little need to make your voice heard. A pleasant working atmosphere is now more important to you than being proven right.

Personal: There are all kinds of things that come at you so that you hardly have time to relax. Fortunately, around the twentieth century it will be a bit quieter around you.


Love: Despite some differences of opinion you have, things are actually surprisingly good between you. Better than a while ago when there was more talk of turbulence in the relationship.

Finances: Hard work pays off, as this week proves once again. You don’t get it for nothing, but you do improve in terms of income.

Work: If you already had the idea to work with someone, now is a good time to realize these plans.

Personal: You are ready for a different image and you have already thought about what you want to change and how. Now just do it!


Love: In addition to your loved one, you now also pay more attention to your immediate family. Simply because you are happy with them and would like to see them more often.

Finances: Because you’ve unpacked a lot during the holidays, it’s now time to take a step back. For the rest of the month, be frugal with your grocery shopping and don’t buy anything you don’t really need.

Work: Unfortunately, this is not a good time to apply. So if you’re already in doubt about doing something else, don’t throw away your old shoes before you get new ones.

Personal: Try not to give in to mood swings too much. How you feel (or want to feel yourself) is a choice.


Love: You enjoy cooking for your loved one, friends and family. Despite the holidays being just over, you feel like inviting some people again.

Finances: Financially you are in good shape and there are also new opportunities in the work area to earn something extra.

Work: Don’t take your work home with you and don’t worry about things you can’t change yourself. Both your heart rate and your blood pressure rise, it has a negative influence on your mood and in the end nothing is solved.

Personal: You are currently a bit sensitive to stress. Put yourself first more often. And without guilt.


Love: Keep things clear to each other to avoid misunderstandings. Vagueness leads to miscommunication which leads to disagreements.

Finance: You are happy to earn your money and can even expect an unexpected windfall in this area.

Work: Your work is your number one priority right now. There is a lot that you want to do and still need to arrange, but you are happy to do this. This is also a good time to study.

Personal: Despite it being calmer now, you are not yet so high in energy and you are tired quite quickly. This may be the aftermath of going beyond your limits at the end of 2021. Take enough rest, eat healthy, drink enough water and go to bed on time.


Love: You are currently more focused on yourself than on your partner. Not that you’re selfish, you just have a lot to take care of.

Finances: You don’t have to worry about finances. In fact, you can expect a nice offer with which you can earn more money.

Work: Although you get things done quickly and are right on schedule, things just aren’t going fast enough for you. You have little patience, especially with some colleagues or clients.

Personal: Although the year has only just begun, it is still difficult for you to break certain bad habits. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice.


Love: You have a bit of a tendency to push your way through and your partner actually gives you your way too.

Finances: The money isn’t sloshing into the baseboards yet, but you’re more than happy with the way things are going. You don’t get it as a gift, but you don’t have to, you like to work.

Work: You can expect special developments that make you think about your work. However, do not take it overnight, golden mountains are of no use to you.

Personal: Your appearance is powerful and you are treated with respect. Enjoy the admiration you earn to the fullest, you have earned it.


Love: Your partner likes to go the extra mile for you and spares no expense to spoil you. You are going to have a wonderful week together with a lot of attention for each other.

Finances: Financially this is not such a strong week. Fortunately, you are creative enough to be able to do a lot with little.

Work: You find it important to make more time for hobbies and leisure activities. The opportunity to actually achieve this is there.

Personal: Your interest in spirituality is growing. This is therefore a great week to delve into meditation, astrology, tarot or other special tools that contribute to more self-insight.


Love: Although the romance is on the back burner for a while, you are each other’s best buddies. We spend a lot of time together and, above all, laugh a lot.

Finance: You are about to make more money. This can be through a pay increase, but also through extra assignments.

Work: The bar is not set too high this week. You set high standards for yourself and are able to meet them.

Personal: This is a good time for friendships. Good conversations, cozy drinks and above all a lot of mutual trust and respect is what the clock strikes this week.


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