WECANDANCE announces two festival weekends this year | showbiz

MusicThe summer festival WECANDANCE, which takes place in Zeebrugge, will last two weekends this year. The organization announced this.

WECANDANCE will take place this year on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August, but also the weekend after: Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August. Festival-goers will therefore be able to dance to electronic music for two weekends. Ricardo Villalobos, Mira, Stephan Bodzin and Jenifer Cardini, among others, will give the best of themselves. New this year is that there are five covered stages on the beach, creating a club feeling.

WECANDANCE is also known for its themes and associated dress code. This year’s theme is ‘Fashion’, inspired by the hypnotic colors and psychedelic prints seen during the Paris fashion weeks last September. If you are looking for inspiration for a suitable outfit, you can find it on the Pinterest and Instagram pages of the festival.

Info & tickets: www.wecandance.be


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