“We did what the majority of UPN expected”


Act at 11:01


The UPN deputies who did not follow the instructions of their party and voted against the labor reform are not going to deliver their minutes and will continue where they are because, as he explained to Efe Sergio Sayas, they did what “The vast majority of UPN voters would have expected us to do so.”

Sergio Sayas and Carlos Garcia Adanero They voted this Thursday against the labor reform despite the fact that their party had announced the day before that they were going to support it, thus making it possible to add the necessary votes for its approval. Finally got ahead of the erroneous vote of a deputy of the PP.

“The Hardest Vow”

“It was the most difficult vote to take but the most convinced that I have cast in my entire political life”has assured Efe Sayas, who has insisted that what happened yesterday “was more than a labor reform, it was if we gave an endorsement to the Government of Sánchez”.

In this regard, he has remarked that he is one of those who defend thatNavarre Y Spain need state policies And what the Sánchez government cannot claim is that State policy is what he decides is State policy and when he decides it.”

“I cannot endorse him when yesterday and tomorrow he will be with the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, PNV and the rest of the independentists in Congress and in Navarra he does not believe in state politics and is having a pact with all the parties of the parliamentary arch against UPN to which he has even added Bildu”, he asserted.

Sayas stressed that “it was an opportunity” in which his vote was decisive at “a crucial moment for the Government, to tell it: we are going to talk about State policies and, if we agree, we will approve it because it will be that the PSOE has returned to state policies”.

And this position, he asserted, “was quite clear in the last UPN Executive Committee, so we have not breached any agreement of the Executive Committee.

At that meeting, the president, vice president and general secretary were empowered to “engage in conversations with the PSOE that would make their relationship with independence and nationalism difficult,” he pointed out.

How did they have to vote?

On Wednesday afternoon “ten minutes before” the president Javier Esparza communicated at a press conference that they were going to support the labor reform, the general secretary of UPN, Yolanda Ibanez, he called them and told them how they had to votethat there was an agreement but that they could not tell them “the terms of the agreement”, Sayas explains.

An agreement of which at least part of it was known yesterday, relating to the Pamplona City Council, and which involved the support of the Socialists for a budget modification, which went ahead, and the non-reprobation of the mayor and vice president of UPN, Enrique Mayawhich finally and after the change of vote of the deputies was rejected.

“The vote to be free has to be informed, I am not a cushion that sits on a bench, they are a deputy who has to vote”

“How am I going to vote if I don’t know the agreement? The vote to be free has to be informed, I am not a cushion that sits on a bench, I am a deputy who has to vote,” said Sayas.

“If we are all clear that it is the presidents of the parties who make certain decisions, this is very easy: we put a voting system at the table of the offices in Génova, Ferraz, Príncipe de Viana and in the other venues, the presidents press a button, a weighted vote is made and we save the salaries of regional deputies, senators and parliamentarians”, he maintained.

for now they have had no contact with management nor have they been informed that there is any open internal process; “The issue remains here unless someone reports to the guarantee bodies that we have breached the statutes, then we will go and explain that we have not done so,” she assured.

And adds: “Obviously we’re going to stay where we are.which is where we have to be because what we have done is what the vast majority of UPN voters would have expected us to do.” This position, he affirms, is shared by both deputies.

Sayas challenged Javier Esparza for the presidency of UPN, which means that there are those who see what happened as a pulse against the regionalist leadership, which the deputy denies: “It has nothing to do with that”.


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